Showing posts with label Hints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hints. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Riddle #2 - Hints

The hints below refer to Riddle #2.

The hints will take you a long way to the answer, so preferably try figuring it out yourself before you start applying the hints below... Also try to progress using one hint at a time, don't just read all of them at once!

Some hints on identifying the location in the photograph below then

  1. As always, make sure that you don't actually recognise the location. If you have a hunch Google that hunch, e.g. "Cony point lighthouse" and then click on the 'image' link above the search box, read an article that includes images or similar. If you can confirm your hunch you'll be sorted.
  2. There's a assumption you need to make in this case and it has to do with who posted the riddle originally. I mention that in the Riddle on this blog. If you combine the object in the photogaph, a lighthouse, with the assumption you can make of the lighthouse' location - deducted from who posted the riddle - you would have disqualified thousands of lighthouses around the world.
  3. This hint is probably the last bit that you'll need to solve the riddle. Using the image as provided in Google image search is not going to help you much. Google image search pics up that it is a sunset photograph and the 'similar' images it then displays are of other sunsets - not lighthouses. So manipulate the image to reduce or remove the 'sunset' impression. It make's a world of difference.

For more detail on applying the above to solve the riddle see "Riddle #2 - How to solve it".

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Riddle #1 - Hints

The hints below will take you progressively closer to the answer, so start with number one and then see if you can get further from there on your own. If not, return, apply number two and so on.

  1. Look at the photo and see if you recognise the location. I know, that's obvious... But that should be the first thing you do.
  2. View the photograph at the highest resolution available.
  3. Check the photo-file's properties for GPS information (to save you time, this image didn't have that attached - clever...)
  4. See whether you can make out any signage that may provide you with clues and/or any landmarks
  5. Google what you find and use some other Google tools as well in your quest.
...ok that's more than enough ito tips. Anymore and we're getting into the 'how' too much. Try to figure it out yourself.

For a detailed explanation of how I solved the riddle, which includes how exactly to apply the hints above, see "Riddle #1 - how I solved it..." - but only go there once you've either solved the riddle or given up!