Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Hello world!

Ok, it's late at night. Setting up this new blog was going to be a quickie, something for a bit of fun and relaxation. Why doesn't anything to do with computers ever work out that way though?

So it took a bit longer than planned. The family are all in bed and I'm still typing away... Granted, I got the main template and margin gadgets sorted out fairly quickly. But my attempts to tweak things a bit is what got me into trouble. I wanted to set up 'pages' in the blog to separate my riddles, answers and 'how-to' posts. I just couldn't figure out how to post to a specific page. As it turns out that's not something Blogger allows for. I find that strange.

Apparently you have one of two choices. Blogger's intention with pages seem to be that they should be more or less static documents, not a collection of posts. It's quite easy to update a page, but it's not going to list posts.

Or you can create a page by using a URL. So you can in effect point blog visitors to a different webpage, which I have no wish to do. Or you can use your new blog's URL and append "search/label/labelname" to the URL, where 'labelname' should be replaced by the actual label. In that way all posts that are labelled with the particular label will show up on that page. It irritates me that when a visitor to my blog visit that 'page' it is clear that the 'page' is in fact the search results for a particular label. However I've recently decided that the slogan Done is Better than Perfect makes a lot of sense. Especially for someone who often falls into the trap of trying to perfect tasks and run of the danger of not ever finishing them. Thus I'm compromising for pages that are in fact search results...

I'm also compromising on the home page showing all of the stuff that are sorted into 'pages'. But as this is supposed to be a fun project, let me rather get 'done' with the setup stuff and enjoy actually posting something.

So here goes, I hope someone ends up enjoying this with me.

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